Jumat, 29 Desember 2017

History of Car Insurance

Widespread use of the automobile began after the First World Warin urban areas. Cars were relatively fast and dangerous by that stage, yet there was still no compulsory form of car insurance anywhere in the world. This meant that injured victims would seldom get any compensation in an accident, and drivers often faced considerable costs for damage to their car and property.

A compulsory car insurance scheme was first introduced in the United Kingdom with the Road Traffic Act 1930. This ensured that all vehicle owners and drivers had to be insured for their liability for injury or death to third parties whilst their vehicle was being used on a public road.

Visit : Car Insurance

Kamis, 28 Desember 2017

Klasifikasi dan Morfologi Tanaman Saga - Jual Bibit

Tanaman saga atau yang memiliki nama ilmiahAbrus Precatarios Lmerupakan salah satu tanaman yang memiliki banyak kandungan di setiap bagiannya mulai dari akar hingga biji.

Beberapa kandungan yang ada pada tanaman saga seperti protein, kalsium, saponin, oksalat, Vitamin A, B1, B6, C, tannin, alkaloid dan lainnya.

Tanaman saga dapat mudah ditemukan di daerah dataran rendah hingga 1000 meter diatas permukaan laut.
Tanaman ini dapat tumbuh liar di hutan dan ladang atau sengaja dipelihara di pekarangan rumah.

Visit : Jual Bibit